Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Grammar 3; Take Home Midterm Test

Name :                                                                 ID :                                         Class :                                    Date :   
Grammar 3 Midterm Test
A.      Use Present Participle OR Past Participle to shorten these sentences!
1.       Einstain, who had many controversial  hypotheses, argued that human beings were from apes

2.       The guy, who was suscpected of the crime, left the town stealthily!

B.      Change the sentences into passive by also omitting the agents!
3.       Somebody stole my stuffs
4.       People nowadays prefer fast foods although they are not good for health
5.       They had managed the speakers for  the webinar
C.      Use the passive form of Verb + ing OR to-infinitive to change the sentencese below! (Note : the meaning might not be corresponding)
6.       I remembered calling the kids for dinner
7.       The mother whale heard her young calling for help desperately
8.       His boss instructed to finish the report
D.      Reform the headlines below into passive with “It has been.....that/to”

Rabu, 28 November 2012

I class : Quiz Score Analysis

Below is the list of your score and its analysis. As the result is not satisfying, you need to submit assignment(s) to improve the score. The assignment requires you to analyze a running text providing the materials at which you have to work on and provide 10 sentences of your own for each material.
P.S : The number and material of the assignment depend on your score analysis.

I class Quiz score analysis
No Name
ID Score Assignment

1 Saparwadi
87 Participle

2 Alamsyah Ade K 403 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
3 Kuratul Aini 405 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
4 Sri Astuti
428 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
5 A. Rofiki
417 47 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
6 Safrin
433 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
7 Irma Dianty P.R 418 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
8 Nuril Furqoningtyas 401 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
9 Sudarmana Wijaya 406 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
10 Jepri Sutomo 421 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
11 Masnun
427 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
12 Jaka Kelana 441 47 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
13 William Yonathan L 413 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
14 Sarif Hidayatullah 426 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
15 Arga Gumilar 414 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
16 Abdullah S. Leky 408 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
17 Ahmad Agus J 410 47 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
18 Rahmi Amalia F 411 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
19 Suhaemi
404 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
20 Sustiani
439 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
21 Bq. Lia Marsandi 402 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
22 Desak Putu P 412 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
23 Ismi Winarni 435 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
24 Bq. Raodatul Ilmi 449 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
25 Eka Setianingsih 429 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
26 Susi Susanti 438 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
27 Jeanithia Ade L 432 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
28 Puji Wahyuni 436 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
29 Ni Made Ayu N 434 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
30 Nasrudin
419 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
31 Bq. Ernia susilawati 425 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
32 Lusi Laela F 447 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
33 Rahmaniati  444 47 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
34 Mus'ab
423 0.7 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
35 Fatimah
430 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
36 Ni Ketut Pariani 437 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
37 Taopan Kusuma 407 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle

G class : Quiz Score Analysis

Below is the list of your score and its analysis. As the result is not satisfying, you need to submit assignment(s) to improve the score. The assignment requires you to analyze a running text providing the materials at which you have to work on and provide 10 sentences of your own for each material.
P.S : The number and material of the assignment depend on your score analysis.

G class Quiz score analysis
No Name
ID Score Assignment

1 Yuliana Setiyawati 333 73 Participle

2 Bakti
338 60 Conditional

3 Rengganis Q.A 347 60 Conditional

4 Faizal Muhan 308 60 Participle

5 Nayoan S
326 60 Participle

6 M. Zulhadi 315 60 Conditional

7 Samsul Hadi 335 53 Conditional, Subjunctive
8 Laela Novayanti 334 53 Conditional,  Participle
9 A. Samsul Azmi 313 33 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
10 Sumarni
302 33 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
11 Asruni
319 0.7 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
12 Fadly
325 13 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
13 Siti Aminah 342 13 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
14 Ramdan Alwani 331 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
15 Aenadi
322 0.7 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
16 Sigit Hadi Kuncoro 318 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
17 Bamban Sugiarte 336 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
18 Muh. Fahrurozi 341 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
19 Tony Wijaya 345 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
20 Istha Fatihatul F 344 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
21 Umi Kalsim 324 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
22 Tellasaraghy 327 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
23 Yuniatin Pramudita  340 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
24 Rabiatun Adawiyah 316 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
25 Bambang Kusuma  350 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
26 Erni Hidayati 343 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
27 Ahmad Rizal Fahmi 346 47 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
28 Rahmawati 341 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
29 Kurnia Apriliani 337 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
30 Khusnul Khotimah 348 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
31 Evi Susilawati 323 47 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
32 Herianto
309 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
33 Sulistia Wardani 303 40 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
34 Oryza Meihati 339 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
35 G. Galih Mulajai 310 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
36 Siti Nurlaelah 328 0 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle

Minggu, 18 November 2012

F Class Quiz Analysis

Below is the list of your score and its analysis. As the result is not satisfying, you need to submit assignment(s) to improve the score. The assignment requires you to analyze a running text providing the materials at which you have to work on and provide 10 sentences of your own for each material.
P.S : The number and material of the assignment depend on your score analysis.

F class Quiz score analysis
No Name
ID Score Assignment

1 Shaolatiah A. 280 40 Subjunctive, conditional
2 Nuraini
258 67 Participle

3 Lativana
261 20 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
4 Indah Giyanti 294 27 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
5 Lala Brigida 293 60 Participle

6 Mira Desti W 275 27 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
7 Kiki Fermansyah 265 27 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
8 Husnul Fahmiwati 284 33 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
9 Nurul Hizzah 290 33 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
10 Trisna Pratiwi A 268 27 Conditional, Subjunctive, Participle
11 Fendi Ahyar 267 53 Conditional,Participle
12 Yulianti
299 60 Conditional

13 Dawaul Aini 257 60 Conditional

14 Ari Lasmana P
13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
15 Sri Wardani 281 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
16 I Kadek Indra P 269 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
17 L Mustakim 297 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
18 Sar'in
262 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
19 Reza Satriawan A 286 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
20 Bq. Susilawati 283 0 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
21 Dinayanti
274 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
22 Hamdani
291 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
23 Lia Afriani 253 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
24 Ainun Jariyah 288 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
25 Julio Sandi 300 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
26 Suci Jumiati
27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
27 Nur Islamiah 266 33 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
28 L M Anshori 270 13 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
29 Dira Sasmita 219 20 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
30 Novi Hadi S 281 27 Conditional,Subjunctive,Participle
31 Yulia Lili F 282 40 Conditional,Subjunctive
32 Bq. Wiasna A 256 47 Conditional,Participle
33 Pitung Hariadi 252 40 Subjunctive,Participle

Senin, 12 November 2012

Mataram is Dying

Mataram is dying. Oh gak sgitunya kalee..he..he Ni moment cuman cz I feel dying cz of the heat. Panas-panas..taukah kamu, heat stress bisa melumpuhkan kemampuan kognitif? Heat stress itu beragam, depends on the sensitivity. Kalo kita ke Afrika, pasti ngerasain heat stress, tapi orang sana mungkin biasa-biasa aja. Jadi inget, kenapa orang Afrika kulitnya item-item, ternyata itu sudah design Tuhan. Karena temperatur yang tinggi, tingkat radiasi meningkat, tapi sepertinya orang Afrika tidak perlu khawatir atau repot-repot pake sunblock, secara kulit mereka sudah punya SPF 50 (rata2 produk SPFnya cuma 15). Ha? Jadi mereka tidak bakal kena kanker kulit. Wow!.
Kembali ke Mataram, kota mungil dan hidup slow tidak terlalu banyak tuntutan. Kali ini saya cuma mau nulis pendek-pendek maklum lagi kena heat stress. Apakah Matarm bisa betulan dying? bisa saja dan memang mulai mengarah ke sana. In the next 10 years, kalo motor terus bertambah sedangkan jalan tidak melebar, di jamin pohon-pohonpun sesak harus memproduksi O2 dalm porsi super besar untuk menyeimbangkan CO2 dari motor-motor yang menjamur. Tapi yah, Mataram kan kota kecil, dari Pemerintah Pusat di Jakarta sana sampai tidak kelahatan saking kecilnya. Hasilnya, mana ada yang perhatikan kita. Tapi parahnya, kalau yang jauh sudah karuan tidak memperhatikan, paling tidak yang dekatlah Pemkot or Pemda yang lebih care. Kami ini sekarang sudah kepanasan, 10 tahun ke depan keapa'an lagi ya??Hemm tapi mungkin juga Pemkot, Pemda atau yang berkantor di Udayana sana juga sedang kena Heat Stress, jadi mikirnya susah..Nah Loh!

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

2nd Assignment of Advanced Grammar

Dear Students, this assignment is the last assignment that will contribute to your midterm score.
This assignment requires you to provide two examples for each of some subunits of the handout.
Below are the subunits listed:
1. Conditional Sentences:
    a. Real conditional
    b. Unreal conditional
2. Subjunctive
   a. The use of subjunctive to emphasize that something is important or urgent
   b. The use of wish
3.  Present and Past Participles
  a. Present participle
  b.  Past participle
4. Passive voice
   a. The omitting of the agent (unimportant/general/known agent)
   b.  Verb + -in g o r to-infinitive : passive forms
 5. Intro to TOEFL
  a. Adverb Clause
  b. Parallelism  
  c. Concord
The two sentences that you have to provide for each item above are one from your OWN SENTENCE and the other one from SOURCES such as BOOKS, WEBSITES, etc.

P.S ; You are to mention the sources from which you get the sentences. If you copy your friend's sentence, I will not score you and I assure you that I am good at identifying CHEATERS. 
 To get  a clearer view, a sample is provided below;
1. Conditional Sentence:
   a. Real conditional :
        1. If we do too much littering the flood occurs (own sentence)
   2. If water boils, it turns to steam.(John Flamming,  /storyReader$18).
   b. Unreal conditional 


Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

The Assignment

Advanced Grammar
This assignment requires you to analyze sentences in paragraphs. You need to cite 2 (TWO) paragraphs from any books, articles, etc then analyse the structure of each sentence. Do not forget to mention the sources.
Researchers used the Simon task, a test used to measure mental abilities that are known to decline with age. Test takers saw a red or a blue square flash on a computer screen and were told to depress one or the other of the two "shift" keys depending on which color appeared. As previous research has found, performance slowed when the colored squares moved from their original positions.
Three experiments showed that bilingual speakers of Cantonese and English, Tamil and English or French and English consistently outperformed English-only speakers, said the researchers at York University and the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto, and Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1: Researchers used the Simon task, a test used to measure mental abilities that are known to decline with age.
This sentence consists of;
·         Simple past tense; Reserchers (S) used (V2) the Simon task (O).
·         Past participle in subordinate clause : a test used (which were used) to measure mental abilities.
·         Adjective clause with passive voice: mental abilities that are (to be) known (V3) to decline with age.
Sentence 2: Test takers saw a red or a blue square flash on a computer screen and were told to depress one or the other of the two "shift" keys depending on which color appeared.
This sentence consists of;
·         Simple past tense : Test takers (S) saw (V2) a red or a blue square flash (O) on a computer screen (Adv)
·         This sentence also formed from compound sentence : Test takers saw a red or a blue square flash on a computer screen  ( First Independent Sentence) and (Conjuction)  were told to depress one or the other of the two "shift" keys (Second independent sentence.
