Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Midterm test : Semantics

Take Home Midterm Test:

Elaborate the answers for the following questions!

1.      Explain how the process of encoding and decoding correlate with semantics!

2.      Semantics is the systematic study of meaning. What is meant by this statement?

3.      To what extent semantics and pragmatics differ each other? 

4.      Explain 3 stages of interpretation (literal – explicature – implicature)! Provide your own illustration!

5.      What might happen if a speaker and the interlocutor do share the same pragmatic knowledge when communicating but the signal is too little? Why?

6.      The word ‘mirror’ is meaningful. Define its meaning based on the mentalistic theory!

7.      ‘This website is frozen’. How would you interpret the meaning of this statement by taking into account its semantic features!

8.      What do you think the role of grammar in semantics?

9.      Based on the grammatical semantics, what is the difference between these two sentences below?
a.      The man is cleaning the room
b.      The boy is crying

10.  Do you think the McDonald slogan ‘I’m loving it’ is grammatically correct? Why? How does such grammatical construction impact its meaning?

11.  What is componential analysis?

12.  What is the difference between extension and intention? Provide the examples!

Good Luck
P. S : Late submission as well as ‘friendship – solidarity - cheating’ lead to disqualification .